Most of you use baking soda as an ingredient for cooking without knowing that baking soda has many other uses. It offers medicinal properties and can treat different health problems. So, let’s find out more what this white powder can actually do!

The Magic Baking Soda Things You Didn’t Know Baking Soda Could Do!!!
The Magic Baking Soda: Things You Didn’t Know Baking Soda Could Do

1.Bee stings

  • Clean the area with soap and water, and apply a paste made of baking soda and water.
  • This will break down bee venom and soothe your itchy skin.

2.Body Oder

  • Baking soda is amphoteric. It reacts with substances that have strong acid or base pH.
  • It neutralizes them, which in turn makes them less acidic.
  • To prepare a natural body deodorant, mix virgin coconut oil, Shea butter, arrowroot powder (or cornstarch), baking soda, and 1-2 drops of your favorite essential oil (this is optional).

3.Alkalizing pH

  • This treatment is very effective for treating cancer of the digestive tract, including cancer of the colon, throat, rectal area, intestines, etc.
  • It is well known that cancerous cells can’t thrive in an alkaline environment.
  • For an individual that weighs 170 pounds, the recommended dosage is 4-6 tsp. a day for a detox and maintenance, ½ tsp of Baking soda to maintain a proper pH of 7.4.
  • To force cancer to diet, you need a pH of 8.5 for a few days.
  • After the tumors begin to shrink and your cancer starts to die, make sure to keep your pH between 8.0 and 8.5.
  • When your test results show that you no longer have cancer, you should reduce your intake of baking soda and keep your pH level within the healthy range (7.4).

4.Teeth whitener & general oral health

  • According to many studies, toothpaste that contains baking soda can more effectively remove plaque compared to toothpaste that does not contain baking soda.
  • To naturally whiten your teeth, mash 1 ripe strawberry and mix it with ½ teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Apply the mixture to your teeth and let it stand for 5 minutes. Then, brush your teeth and rinse.
  • Repeat this procedure once a week.
  • The excessive use of baking soda can damage your tooth enamel.

5.Acid Reflux, heartburn & stomach pain

  • Prescription medications often cause side effects and can lead to further health problems.
  • Baking soda, on the other hand, has an alkaline pH. It has the ability to naturally neutralize the excess acid responsible for these discomforts.
  • In a half glass of water, add ½ teaspoon of baking soda and take this every 2 hours.
  • However, you should not take more than seven ½ teaspoons in 24 hours, or three ½ teaspoons if you are over 60.


  • Mix water and baking soda and add the mixture to a cool compress.
  • Apply directly to the burn. To get some sunburn relief, add ½ cup of baking soda to lukewarm bathwater.
  • Soak in it for 20 minutes. This will calm and heal the burn.


  • Baking soda can help you to remove a deeply embedded glass shard.
  • It is very important not to squeeze it because this can break it into smaller pieces or force the unwanted splinter deeper inside.
  • First, you should wash and dry your skin. Mix water and ¼ teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Apply the paste to the splinter and secure it with a bandage.
  • This paste will cause your skin to swell and push the splinter out.
  • Let it stand for 24 hours then remove the bandage.
  • Don’t forget to apply an antiseptic cream
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