
Dates are ones of the healthiest fruits you can consume, as they are rich in beneficial ingredients that treat various health issues, including hypertension, heart attacks, strokes, and high cholesterol.
Scientists Confirmed: This Is The World’s #1 Food For Hypertension, Heart Attack, Stroke and Cholesterol!

They also accelerate the metabolism. Here are 8 of their health benefits:
Dates prevent diarrhea
Dates are high in potassium, which prevents diarrhea by the healthy bacteria and thus relieving the belly flora and the intestines.
Dates regulate cholesterol
Dates cleanse blood vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots, so they effectively regulate the unhealthy cholesterol or LDL.
Dates regulate blood pressure
Dates are high in potassium and contain no sodium, so they are perfect in the case of hypertension. Moreover, 5-6 dates contain 80 mg of magnesium, which boosts the blood flow and is spread through the blood vessels. To reduce blood pressure, you need about 370 mg of magnesium.
Dates for anemia
These fruits are a rich source of iron, so they are extremely useful in the case of anemia, pregnancy, and for children. 100 grams of dates daily will provide 0.9 mg of iron, which is about 11 % of the recommended daily intake of iron.
Iron has a beneficial effect on the red blood cells and hemoglobin and helps the oxygen flow through the blood.
Dates prevent strokes
The high potassium content in these fruits enhances the nervous system and prevents strokes. Hence, the daily intake of 400 mg of potassium successfully prevents strokes.
 Dates for heart health
Soak the dates in water during the night, and in the morning eat them or add them to your smoothie to support heart health.
Dates soothe constipation
Dates are extremely useful in the case of constipation. You should keep them in some water overnight, and then drink the water in the morning to help digestion, and use their mild laxative properties.
Dates help weight loss
The consumption of dates on an empty stomach will help you control your body weight, as they contain no cholesterol.
The lungs are organ with a cone shape which are located in the chest cavity, and making up most of the lower respiratory tract. They pass the oxygen into the body and are one of the 5 elimination systems. Briefly said, their role is to provide oxygen to capillaries, so faster that they can oxygenate the blood. It’s worth mentioning that the lungs are one of the largest organs in our bodies, as their tissue is nearly 40 times bigger compared to the body’s outer surface.
5 plants to clear your lungs with every breath

It is unfortunate that living in a modern world in which the air is filled with dust, chemicals, pollutants, pollen and various bacteria, they affect the lungs. Put it simply, toxins and seasonal allergies take a toll on our lungs. Deep breathing is one of the basic steps that shall be taken in order to eliminate toxins and promote the health of the lungs. Only ten percent of the body is cleansed through shallow breathing and with deep breathing 80-100 percent of the blood is cleansed. Apart from this, there are many herbal remedies that can also promote lung health. The five herbs that are good for the lungs and that are packed with medicinal properties for lung health, that posses many healing properties and are easy to grow are shown below.
Herbs For Lungs Health That Are Easy to Grow
Oregano – The oregano contains rosmarinic and carvacrol acids, both of which are acting as a natural decongestant agents that can help in clearing out the respiratory tract and the nasal passage. It is as well packed with antioxidants that boost the immunity and also protect against cold and other illnesses. The oregano is a perennial herb that grows back year after year, and it can be grown in both indoors and outdoors. It is best grown into a container due to its invasive nature. The best solution would be to use well-drained soil and keep it exposed to full sun. This herb can be added in many different recipes. About the harvesting, first remove the stems in the morning and store in cool area. Then cut the leaves after a month and put it into a container with tight lid.
Eucalyptus – It contains cineole, which is a compound with powerful healing properties. It can be used as an expectorant in order to alleviate a cough, fight off congestion and soothe sinus passages. Just like the oregano, also the eucalyptus is packed with antioxidants that strengthen tour immune system. In order to relieve a sinus infection, boil the eucalyptus leaves and inhale the steam. It might also be added oil with peppermint and use it as a chest rub. The eucalyptus tree sometimes reaches 60 feet height, so growing a smaller shrub size is better than a bigger one. Put the container near a south facing window so it can get a lot of direct sunlight, and when it outgrows the container, transfer it outdoors.
Peppermint – It is packed with menthol, which is a compound that works as a natural decongestant. It as well provides antihistamine effect which promotes free breathing. It is just as oregano, peppermint is also quite invasive so it is best to grow it into a container, outdoors or indoors. It prefers well-drained soil and partial sun. The peppermint leaves may be used as a herb and added tea tea or some recipes, while the oil could be combined with eucalyptus and used as chest rub.
Lungwort – For long, it has been used to clear congestion and promote lung and respiratory health. In fact, this plant has been used as early as the 1600s. The flower of it is very beautiful, while on the other hand, the plant is extremely resilient.  It prefers shade and is ideal to be grown under trees.  Its leaves can be cooked the same way as spinach.
Elder – The elder has the capability to improve the circulation as well as to open the capillaries, lungs and the blood vessels.  The fruit of elderberry is mouth-water and the flowers can be brewed into delicious tea.  As for growing, plant the elderberry shrubs outside in a soil with a pH between 6 and 8. Other herbs good for the health of our lungs include Mullein, Butterbur, Lobelia, Osha Root, and Chaparral.
Honestly, skincare products nowadays have achieved a whole new level. They claim to be all-rounders. They promise results we dream about. “Natural glowing beauty”, “flawless skin in 7 days”, “no more acne” – do sound like pretty attractive offers.
Do they actually work? It doesn’t matter, we buy it anyway.
The back of such skin-cleansing products, with their long names of ingredients, sometimes scare us. We are using things on our face we can’t even pronounce.

How to Mix Coconut Oil and Baking Soda for a Face-Cleaning Like You’ve Never Had Before

How would we know which one has a bad effect on our precious skin?

The real story behind the things we put on our face
Elizabeth Sword from the Children’s Health Environmental Coalition says that many ingredients and chemicals used in the products are kept secret from buyers. Many unhealthy ingredients consists these skin products. Some of the products even sell before proper testing.
So, how can we rely on them if we don’t even know what it’s made of? We can’t. But we need that blemish-free soft skin. Can’t trust market products? Make your own homemade facial scrub!

 Moisturize with coconut oil
That go-to product, perfect for cleansing your face is, in fact, coconut oil. It is antimicrobial and thus cleans out the germs from your face. It also has the power to kill the germs producing pimples. How awesome is that? It also reduces inflammations, acting as a soother for skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema. The bonus part? Coconut oil simultaneously moisturizes your skin to glory. Who knew this simple oil is such a lifesaver?

Benefits of Baking soda
Baking Soda is used as a raising agent in several foods. Why should we put it on our face? Because its exfoliation skill is remarkable. It works wonders for removal of stubborn blackheads. After application and rubbing, the skin feels super smooth and soft.
Do you have sunburns and need a soothe? Use baking soda! It has a kind of cooling sensation which will calm the harsh burns. And the best part is, it’s easily available at a very low price.

Homemade scrub
We all have baking soda and coconut oil in our homes for daily purposes. But how many of you knew of their valuable benefits? These work wonders on moisturizing and cleaning the skin together, leaving a healthy, glowing finish.

 Things you’ll need
1.Half a cup of coconut oil.
2.Half a cup of baking soda.

 How to use, moisturize and cleanse
Warm your coconut slightly to make it liquid, so that application is easier. Mix in the baking soda nicely until the paste has a kind of sandy texture. Store this mixture in a jar. Your own risk-free facial scrub is ready!
Scrub your face at least thrice a week in the same process you would use any other scrubber and feel the difference in your skin very soon. Credit:
Almost every day, many people appreciate the nutritional benefits of aloe vera. Most of the people know its healing effects on the skin, but its uses go far beyond that. Almost unbelievable aloe vera is a super food. And since super food is a word that gets thrown around a lot, lets see what it actually means. Simply said, a super food is any natural food that is full of antioxidants and beneficial nutrients, as well as other compounds that are beneficial to the health.
It’s Known As The Plant Of Immortality! It can even lower cholesterol!

As for example, you have surely heard that the blueberries are a superfood. This is due to the fat that they are low in calories and are very rich in antioxidants. And this is just one of many other super food examples. Another one, is the aloe vera. It is most often used in skin care and cosmetic products like lotions, creams, shampoos and soaps, but it is as well beneficial when ingested.
Nutrients found in aloe vera
The aloe vera contains in itself many minerals, vitamins and other nutrients that support the proper body function. The vitamins, for example vitamin A (beta-carotene), which is a key for a healthy immune system, reproduction and organ function. It is also a huge source of vitamin C and vitamin E is yet another nutrient that offers protecting against free radical damage. It can also offer benefits for the health of the heart. Yet, it is not just these antioxidants, but aloe vera contains B12 as well, choline, folic acid, all of which can help the nervous system’s health. It is a remarkable source of minerals like calcium, magnesium, copper, chromium, manganese, selenium, potassium, sodium and zinc, all of which are needed for proper functioning of various enxyme systems in the different pathways of the metabolism.
Aloe vera is contained with at least eight kinds of enzymes that help decrease skin irritation when they are applied topically. Some of these enzymes will help the body decrease fat, sugar and other nutrients. Because of this, the digestive enzymes are good for leaky gut. In addition, the Aloe contains one enxyme named catalase found in many organisms, and is very important when it comes to protecting cells from oxidative damage, something that is implicated in many diseases, but also the body’s aging process. Not only all of this, but also, aloe vera provides fatty acids like campesterol, sitosterol, good cholesterol and lupeol that soothe swelling and redness and offers other significant benefits. One recent research investigated the prebiotic potential of the mucilage of aloe vera, thus suggesting that it might be used for supporting gut health.
Additional health benefits of aloe vera and lower cholesterol levels
Let’s take a look at some of this plant’s health benefits: moisturizes the skin, topical use wound healing, antibacterial, antiseptic, nutritional/dietary supplementation that promotes lower cholesterol levels, contains prebiotics, supports cardiovascular health, supports digestion, boosts the immune system.
Including aloe vera in your diet
Aloe vera juice is the easiest way to enjoy it. The benefits of adding aloe vera in your diet are easy to be seen. Having huge number of essential nutrients, this superfood shall become a staple in the effort of leading a healthy lifestyle. There’s one popular way to have an easy and quick access to this natural wonder, and that is by growing your own aloe vera at your home. It grows very quick and reproduces at a high rate. If you are looking for an easier route, you can find many products like juies and supplements available for buying, which can make including aloe vera in your diet much easier which will also help for lower cholesterol.
When consuming this plant, in any form, the nutrient and bioavailability of the main ingredients (aemannan) is important. Because of this, choose the aloe vera supplement always, which is made of 100 percent organic inner leaf Aloe Vera.
According to so many researches done by health experts, the best way to lose weight is to speed your metabolism. At this point, what you need to know is that there are many natural foods that can help in boosting your metabolism. But, in case you want to achieve this, you will need to pay attention to the spices that you consume. The diet that follows is known as the MURDERER OF OBESITY!
This is Murderer of Obesity! With only a Tablespoon Per Day, You Will Go Down 30 Pounds and Lose Weight in One Month
During the process of weight loss, hunger will not be unusual and uncommon feeling. In order to avoid specific diets with lowering the calories intake that produce the hunger feeling, you will need to combine specific herbs and add them in the foods you prepare. While consuming these herbs, you will speed up your metabolism and this will help you burn the fat and eliminate obesity.
The following are the most popular known spices and herbs that we consume daily which are proven to boost your metabolism:
  • · cinnamon,
  • · cayenne,
  • · cumin,
  • · ginger,
  • · garlic,
  • · black pepper,
  • · dandelions,
  • · cardamom.
This has also be proven by a study that was conducted by some scientists from the Medical Sciences University of Iran. For the purpose of this study research, the participants were divided into two groups and each of them was consisted of 44 women. All of the women had problems with their weight.
For the next 90 days, the women from the both groups were eating healthy food and they consumed less than 1000 calories per day, but there was one difference
in their diet, and that is the spices. The first of the groups consumed three grams of powdered cumin every day and usually they mixed the cumin with 140 grams of yogurt, while the second group on the other hand consumed the same amount of yogurt but without the cumin.
Moreover, the first group eliminated obesity and burned more fat than the second group of women. The women in group A lost 14.64% fat, while the women in group B have only lost 4.91% fat.
As the spice called cumin is known for being rich in Phytosterol, this fact explained the results for the group of women in the group A and the group B. As the spice cumin is known to be rich in Phytosterol, it has the ability of preventing retention of cholesterol build up in your body.
Ginger has huge health benefits. It is very useful because it can activate your metabolism to lose weight in a healthy way.
The good thing about ginger water is that you don’t need to eat slices of ginger. You can even store the ginger water in your refrigerator so you can drink it through a whole week and be refreshed because the ginger water is really refreshing healthy drink.

The Healthiest Drink To Burn All the Fat From The Waist, Back and Thighs

Science of Ginger
Ginger is the root of a plant that has been used for thousands of years for healing purposes and cooking.There are many types of research that showed the healing properties of ginger. It can be used on the skin to soothe burns and also to stimulate the circulation. Although ginger is a diaphoretic that makes it ideal for treating flu and colds. The amazing component of this root is gingerol that is real magic.
Ginger contains potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols. These gingerols can befriend alleviate the pain and improve the mobility of people with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis when consumed regularly. Also, gingerols inhibit chemical messengers of the immune system and the formation of inflammatory cytokines.
Soothes Digestive System
Ginger can relieve discomfort and pain in the stomach. It is seen as an amazing carminative, a substance that promotes the elimination of additional gas from the digestive system, while soothing intestinal tract.
Treats Nausea
Ginger root has been reported to reduce the symptoms associated with motion sicknesses such as cold sweating, dizziness, vomiting, and nausea. Absolutely, ginger has been shown as very good root that can treat vomiting and nausea associated with gentle symptoms of pregnancy sickness.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties and Cancer Protection
Journal of Medicinal Food shares a study that proposes that ginger can significantly reduce inflammation and pain in the joints. This fact is ideal for people with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis as mentioned before. And, British Journal of Nutrition writes a study that suggests that ginger can stop certain cancers from growing.
Ginger Water is the healthiest drink to burn all the fat from the waist, back and thighs.

Ginger Water Recipe:
Ginger water is very good to drink when you feel a cold coming on. It will promote perspiration and warm you from the inside.
– 1 cup biological ginger root, chopped and peeled
– 1 biological lime or lime, squeezed
– 2 1/2 cups filtered water
1.Put water in a pot and bring it to the point just before boiling, then add the ginger.
2.Reduce the heat and allow to heat for 5 min.
3.Leave the mixture to rest for 20 minutes, then strain.
4.Add the lime and then stir well. Credit:

Tea is one of the most famous beverages in the world. The consumption of tea stands second only to water when it comes to which is the most drunk beverage in the world. Whether tea reminds you of the chilled glass of much appreciated ice tea in the summers, or if it brings to mind the Boston tea party, it has been an important part of our civilization since long.

Scientists Explain What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Green Tea Every Day

But now we have even more reason to celebrate (and drink) tea. Well we are talking about green tea, which has proven its merits in many a tests and scientific experimentations. It is considered to be greatly beneficial to health; mainly because it has a lot of antioxidants occurring naturally in the tea.
Free radicals or oxidants are the particles which have the power to damage and with time destroy our cells. The antioxidants in green tea destroys these free radicals and thus provides is with a number of health benefits, such as:
1.Acts as counterbalancing the effects of Type 2 diabetes. It can cure and prevent low blood pressure when taken for a long time every day.
2.It also has anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it very influential in the health of the digestive tract and regular intake can cure or avoid problems such as- Bowel Disease (IBD),Crohn’s disease.ulcerative colitis etc.
3.As mentioned before, the most important health benefit of green tea is the anti-oxidizing property. And cancer is mostly caused because of damage to living cell by these free radicals. Thus, studies conducted have found that regular consumption of green tea can help beat the odds against breast cancer, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer etc.
4.It also raises good cholesterol in the body. And the antioxidants of green tea prevent the absorption of bad cholesterol in our intestines.
5.Worldwide cardiovascular diseases are the biggest medical fatalities. Green tea has been known to positively impact atherosclerosis. That is, it prevents fats and cholesterol to build up in the arteries (which is the reason behind a heart attack).
6.Another element which green tea is full of is catechins. These are available in a large quantity in green tea and they can help in reversing the damage which is done to the liver by alcohol and such. Thus regular consumption can counteract previous drinking.
7.First of all, green tea gives a boost to the metabolism so that the food is absorbed pass and produces more energy rather than fat. Also it has a phytonutrient which goes by the name of EGCG, which mainly works by making you feel full for longer.
8.Neuropsychiatric disorders like cognitive impairment can also be treated with the help of green tea. Green tea has been successfully proven to enhance cognitive functions.
9.Other than all this, the importance of green tea has been proven in good dental health, arthritis treatment, prevention of genital warts. It is also proven to be very good for many dermatological problems Credit: