Microwave Popcorn
This widely popular snack is normally packed in bags which have toxic lining. In fact, the lining of the bags of microwave popcorn has been linked to liver and immune system damage. This lining contains perfluorooctanoic acid, which can trigger a number of serious health issues, according to a UCLA study.
Stop Eating These 8 Everyday Foods Immediately. They Can Cause Cancer
Even the US Environmental Protection Agency confirms that perfluorooctanoic acid is a possible carcinogen.
Canned Food
On their inside walls, cans contain BPA in order to protect the food from binding with the metal. BPA is a dangerous chemical used in the production of some resins and plastics.
BPA acts similarly to estrogen in the body connecting to the same receptors as this female hormone does. This is extremely harmful because it can easily trigger hormonal imbalances, which in turn lead to obesity, cancer, diabetes and infertility.
Diet Soda
All diet soft drinks contain aspartame, an artificial sweetener, which has been found to cause a dose-dependent growth in tumors of the breast, blood and lymph nodes.
A review of 20 studies published by the European Food Safety Authority revealed that aspartame can be the root cause of a number of diseases including cancer and birth defects.
GMO Foods
GMO food is everywhere. In fact, most of the food in American supermarkets is genetically modified. What’s worse, GMO food cannot be completely avoided because some produce including soy, corn and wheat is 90% GMO.
The real danger of consuming this food is that proteins, unnatural to the human body, are released during its digestion. These proteins then transform into other organisms the body sees as foreign invaders which attack your body triggering inflammation, one of the root causes of cancer.
Farmed Salmon
There’s mounting evidence that farm-raised salmon contains large amounts of dioxin, PCB’s and other cancer-causing substances, unlike wild salmon. The thing is, farmed salmon is fed on a diet high in contaminants, antibiotics and other harmful ingredients. According to research, consumption of farm-bred salmon can put you at a higher risk of cancer due to its high concentration of PCB.
Vegetable Oil
This is another common food that you should eliminate from your menu as soon as possible. Vegetable oils are abundant in polyunsaturated fats. In fact, they are made of 98% monounsaturated and saturated fat. Plus, these oils undergo extensive modification in structure during their production process and this affects the cell membranes in the body leading to a number of diseases including cancer.
That’s why healthy and unsaturated fats are a much healthier alternative. If you don’t provide your body with the nutrients it depends on for cell regeneration, free radicals form in the body and these lead to premature aging and a number of serious diseases.
Processed Meat
According to new research, sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate in processed meat can significantly increase the risk of colon cancer. In retrospective, there has always been a possible link between mortality and meat consumption.
Refined Flour
Consumption of refined carbohydrates has been linked to cancer onset, according to a recent study.
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