One of the vital organs in our body is the liver. It constantly works hard so that it can eliminate waste and toxins from the body. Convert toxins into waste, which can then be eliminated through the urine is the liver’s main function. Still, if your liver isn’t working as it should it will show you some signs that you must know, so if you want to recognize whether your liver is overloaded with toxins, this is the proper article for you!
Here Are 16 Signs Which Are Warning You That Your Liver Is Overloaded & Toxins That Make You Fat
Our liver is responsible for more than 400 functions in the body. They include: digesting fats, processing nutrients, storing essential minerals and vitamins, and breaking down alcohol and drugs.
If our body lacks some of the essential nutrients, the liver may become sluggish.

The Liver Deals with Toxins in This Way


  • The first phase of liver detoxification is when the liver with the help of enzymes transforms the toxins, which are poisonous substances that damage the cells, into substances which are less harmful.
  • The second phase of liver detoxification is when the liver pairs the toxins with other molecules so as to make them more water-soluble.
  • Then the toxins can be safely eliminated from the body.
  • There are people who maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • They drink pure water, eat organic foods, use toxin-free cleaning and personal care products, but they are still exposed to toxins.
  • Those toxins are from the environment, like factories, cars, water, soil, air, plastics, and these factors cannot be controlled.
  1. The toxins remain in the body and they get stored as fat tissue when our liver is overloaded with toxins e.g. becomes sluggish.
  2. These toxins remain in the body until the liver starts functioning properly again, and eliminates them from the body.
  3. You cannot lose weight during this process even if you are doing exercise and eating a healthy diet. It’s simply impossible.
  4. There are a number of warning signs of stressed liver, but taking some preventive steps and holistic approaches can help you boost the liver function and improve overall health.
  1. Negative emotions
  2. Chronic fatigue
  3. Migraines/headaches behind the eyes
  4. Dull headaches improved with sleep
  5. Feeling drained/Lethargy/Brain Fog
  6. Chronic Muscle or Joint Pain
  7. Difficulty digesting fats
  8. Excessive perspiration
  9. Allergies
  10. Removed gallbladder
  11. Diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, bloating, gas
  12. Skin conditions or acne
  13. Depression and anxiety
  14. Hormonal imbalances
  15. Chronic stinky breath
  16. Sudden weight gain
  17. Chemical sensitivities
  • We should all build our health in the kitchen. You can create a healthy body by healing habits and meals.
  • You do not need to eliminate, restrict or diet completely. You just have to balance.
  • First, you have to eliminate or reduce the intake of processed foods and some foods which are labeled healthy but are not, and instead start consuming healthy foods.
  1. Avoid GMO and purchase organic foods
  2. Make sure that your diet is balanced and consists of high-quality plant and animal proteins, whole foods, sprouted ancient grains, healing fats, fermented
  3. foods, seeds and raw nuts.
  4. Stay away from inflammatory oils like corn, canola, soybean, cottonseeds, vegetable oil, sunflower, safflower
  5. Make sure to drink plenty of pure water
  6. Consume more healthy healing fats like sustainable red palm oil, coconut oil, grass-fed butter, ghee, hem and avocado
  7. Consume at least 35g of fiber a day. It needs to come from whole foods like artichokes, chia seeds, avocado, golden flax seeds, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli.
  8. Stay away from refined sugars like cane sugar, white/brown sugar, cane juice, beet sugar and cane juice crystals
  9. Do not consume more than 20-25g of fructose per day.
  10. Eat more leafy green vegetables since they are rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, folate, and magnesium
  11. Incorporate Plant-based and Animal-based sources for Amino Acids like collagen, bone broth, pasture-raised eggs and chicken, parsley, raw spinach, beets, and cabbage.
  12. Get sulfur from food sources like broccoli, pasture-raised eggs, garlic, Brussels sprouts, kale, asparagus, and onions.
  13. Eliminate or reduce alcohol consumption.
  14. The Powerful Threesome for the Liver
  • Globe artichoke comes from the thistle family.
  • It is excellent for protecting the liver and improving its function.
  • It is known for increasing of the bile production and reducing the LDL cholesterol.
  • Artichokes contain more oxidants than broccoli, asparagus, and raw garlic even when cooked.
  • Turmeric’s active ingredient called curcumin possesses numerous benefits.
  • It protects the liver from damage and also regenerates damaged liver cells because of its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, so in case your liver is overloaded with toxins, it will help you clean it.
  • Turmeric should be paired with black pepper and healthy fats for optimal absorption.
  • This plant is considered to be the best herb for liver protection.
  • Milk thistle’s active compound, silymarin possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-viral and anti-fibrotic properties.
  • It has the ability to protect the liver from damage caused by toxins, viruses, drugs, and alcohol.
  • Our liver is a very important organ, so if you notice that it is overloaded with toxins you should start doing everything you can in order to protect it and support its function!
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