Lung cancer has been known as the second most common cancer in both of men and women, as well as the leading cause of cancer death, according to the American Cancer Society. While you may actually think that smokers are the only part of the population who are at risk of lung cancer, then you are wrong because you will be surprised to know that 20% of lung cancer deaths are those people who do not even smoke. The American Cancer Society has explained that air pollution, second-hand smokers, radon gas and other cancer-causing agents such as asbestos and diesel exhaust are all chief risk factors for having lung cancer.
Early signs and symptoms of lung cancer you shouldn’t ignore
The best protection against lung cancer is to know the early signs and symptoms of it. The sooner you get to your doctor and the sooner that this type of cancer has been diagnosed, the better the chances of recovery and immediate healing.

Here are the early signs and symptoms of lung cancer:

Frequent illness

If you have noticed a small increase in your frequency of having some illnesses just like cold, flu, bronchitis or pneumonia, you have to immediately consult your doctor about the possible causes of your depressed immune system. Dr. Kelley has said that when cancer begins to settle in lung tissue and bronchial tubes, the lung becomes more vulnerable to illness.
Sudden weight loss
If you have suddenly lost some interest in food or feel full faster right after beginning to eat, lung cancer may be the reason behind your loss of appetite. Dr. Kelly has advised keeping a notebook in order to record symptoms and possible causes just like food poisoning, food allergy, PMS in women, as well as the gastrointestinal issue. If the cause is merely unexplained, bring the problem to your doctor’s attention.

Finger pain

You may be shocked to know that thickened and painful fingertips are one of the most common symptoms of lung cancer. This is due to the ability of lung tumor to produce chemicals into the bloodstream that spurs bone and tissue’s growth in the fingertips, as well as under the fingernails. Dr. Kelley had even recommended telling your doctor about the thickening, swelling or clubbing in the fingers.

Torso pain

If you are suffering from the continuous dull ache in the chest, shoulder, back or abdomen, then you may be experiencing a direct pressure from a lung tumor. Based on what Dr. Kelley has said, chest pain is another symptom in one out of four lung cancer patients.

Hoarse voice

If your voice sounds a little bit husky or if you are suffering some pain from swallowing or even talking, then you might have lung cancer. NHS Choice has said that this common symptom is a reason for you to call your doctor, particularly when it is accompanied by an untiring cough, wheezing or coughing up with some blood.

Shortness of breath

This one is a usual symptom that happens in most of the women that are commonly misdiagnosed as a side effect of age or inactivity. However, based on what have Very Well have said, shortness of breath is another signal of adenocarcinoma, which is the most usual form of lung cancer in women.

Weakness in the upper limbs

Very Well has explained that weakness in the upper part of the limbs, loss of coordination, as well as muscle cramps are all symptoms of the paraneoplastic syndrome, which is a lung cancer linked condition, wherein hormone-like substances are being secreted by tumors.

Seasonal allergies

Another unusual sign of possible lung cancer is hay fever or seasonal allergies. When allergy sufferers breathe in pollen and air pollutants, their immune systems overreact. The sinuses fill with phlegm and wheezing might be present. However, these symptoms are also associated with lung cancer too. If hay fever symptoms don’t seem to waver day-to-day, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible. A professional can narrow down if the issues are truly a seasonal reaction or something worse.

Breast growth in men

This one is a less talked about symptom in most of the male lung cancer patients. It is the breast enlargement under the nipple of the men. Dr. Kelly has explained that this is another symptom of paraneoplastic syndrome, which is caused by the production of hormones, proteins and other substances into the bloodstream.
This issue is a matter of both life and death. Share this article on social media in order to spread awareness about the signs and symptoms of lung cancer, as well as to help other people, particularly your loved ones.
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