We all have been in a situation to have troubles with sleeping, and it’s nothing rare because we are living in a world that is full of stress, electromagnetic influences from the modern technology devices, and numerous other negative factors.

Boil A Banana, Drink The Water Before Bed And See What Happens To Your Sleep!
All of them are preventing us from getting the needed rest, they affect the sleeping hormones and the nervous system as well, and thus reduce the quality of sleep.

There are many other factors, external and internal, which could affect a person’s nervous system, hormones, and the brain, and they could even lead to sleep deprivation.


The first and the easiest thing that occur to you is to grab a sleeping pill, however is that the right solution? The pill could work for just a short-term, but in the long term, you are hindering the body’s health and the natural abilities to heal itself.

Sleeping pills have several well- known side effects such as dizziness, stomach pain, difficulty focusing, constipation, memory problems and they also are damaging the central nervous system.

However, sleep is of utmost importance for the general health of people and for their normal functioning, therefore its deprivation could lead to a lot health problems, such as poor immune system, reduced motor skills, impaired cognitive functions, energy drops, and an increased risk of diseases and health conditions such as obesity, cancer, and diabetes.

Therefore, the 8-hour sleep is essential and you have to try all means in order to ensure it every night if you want to enhance the quality of your health. On the other hand, the sleeping pills are not the best solution since they are causing numerous severe side-effects.


You may successfully restore your sleep 100% naturally, with the assistance of the following amazing banana and cinnamon tea.

Bananas are very healthy fruits, and they are rich in nutrients, such as potassium and magnesium. The peels of the banana are even more abundant in those minerals.

Magnesium is able to provide relaxation and it also soothes muscle cramps that lead to aches and pain. Magnesium is the first mineral that is depleted from the body which is caused by stress. Nevertheless, magnesium and potassium, both, are very beneficial for the nervous system.

Cinnamon can regulate the blood sugar levels, which balance is supporting the function of the hormones and also ensures a better quality of the sleep. The hormonal dissemblance could also cause fatigue during the day and is might make you feel energetic during the night, which will prevent you from falling asleep.

Therefore, by combining both bananas and cinnamon, you could effectively treat insomnia.

Here is how you can prepare this incredible natural sleep remedy at your home:

A small pot of water
One unpeeled banana
A sprinkle of cinnamon


First, you should off the ends of the banana and put it in the pot with the boiling water. You should boil the banana for around 10 minutes, and after that add the cinnamon.

You could sweeten the tea with stevia, which has the ability to regulate the blood sugar levels.

Also You should drink this natural remedy before going to bed and enjoy your good night’s sleep!

The next day you are free to eat the boiled banana with cinnamon, but we recommend you to not consume any food right before going to sleep.

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