As hilarious as it may sound, snoring can seriously affect your sleep quality. Interestingly, some people snore so loudly that they even wake themselves up, not to mention the effect on their partner.
1 Remedy To Naturally Get Rid Of Snoring And Sleep Apnea Fast
Now, the alarming thing about sleep apnea is that 75% of people who snore also suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, a serious condition marked by short intervals of not breathing during sleep. Sleep apnea increases a person’s risk of developing heart disease and in the worst case scenario can be fatal.
How To Stop Snoring
Snoring occurs as a result of air passing through relaxed tissues in your throat which causes them to vibrate. The end product of the process is the irritating sound.
Snoring can also be triggered by excess mucus and inflammation of the mucous tissues, which constricts nasal passages and produces a whistling sound.
Although people usually resort to decongestants and other over-the-counter products, health experts strongly advise against using them.
According to Sudhansu Chokroverty, MD, FRCP, FACP, also a neuroscience professor at Seton Hall University’s School of Health and Medical Sciences, “Many stop-snoring aids are marketed without scientific studies to support their claims.”
Mucus-Clearing Juice
If you want to stay away from pharmaceutical products and are still looking for a solution to your problem, nourishing your mucous tissues is the best way to clear your sinuses and respiratory tract. And, this recipe is exactly what you need – an all-natural decongestant.
  • ¼ piece of fresh lemon
  • 1 2-inch piece of ginger
  • 2 apples
  • 2 carrots
    1. Wash all the ingredients before preparation.
    2. Peel and slice the ginger.
    3. Chop the other ingredients, but make sure you remove the core of the apples and the seeds of the lemon.
    4. Blend all together.
    5. Take the drink a couple of hours before bedtime. If you find the taste too strong, sweeten it with a spoonful of honey.
Lemons have a high acidity level which makes them ideal for breaking up mucus. This in turn helps your sinuses to drain more easily.
Ginger contains strong antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which are extremely beneficial for clearing mucus from the nasal passages and throat.
Apples pack a high content of citric acid, which can clear even the worst congestion. Singers are often advised to eat apples on regular daily basis in order to clear their throat of mucus and prevent throat drying.
Carrots are abundant in vitamin A, which supports healthy skin and mucous membranes lining the nose, sinuses, and mouth. This vitamin is even more powerful when combined with vitamins C and E as it can prevent lung cancer and respiratory infections.
Health experts also advise people susceptible to allergies and food sensitivities to avoid triggers because they can stimulate excess mucus secretion in the digestive and respiratory tract. Inflammatory foods can also lead to snoring.
Other useful tips to prevent snoring include avoiding cigarettes, dairy food, muscle relaxants and alcohol, all of which can aggravate the condition.
Taking a hot shower before going to bed or using a neti pot to open nasal passages can also be beneficial, especially if your problem is severe.
Last, but not least, staying hydrated will prevent your mucus from becoming sticky and hard to drain.
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